Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The 12 Rudest Things You're Doing On A Daily Basis

Every decade thinks that the "current" state of manners is worse than it was in decades previous. Because of this, I'm unwilling to say that we're definitely in the rudest period in history. It just feels like it. My theory is this: As more of our lives get lived virtually through our computers and smartphones, our ability to act appropriately in public diminishes, as we have less opportunity to use our "people skills." The more people you come across, the more likely you're going to experience a random act of rudeness.
And it's likely that the act is on the following list of incredibly rude actions that happen on a daily basis.
  • Not looking up from your phone while you're ordering food.
    Tara Moore via Getty Images
    Or looking down at your phone instead of making eye contact in other situation where you have to speak to another human -- it's just disrespectful.
  • Walking on the wrong side of the sidewalk.
    Mitchell Funk via Getty Images
    This has became a big problem, specifically in New York, where there is a distinct percentage of people who refuse to stay to the right. They'd rather slam into the people who stay to the right, rather than yield. Also related: Stopping short.
  • Walking in a group that takes over the whole sidewalk.
    If you walk four-abreast down the sidewalk, someone will definitely be shoulder-checked. (That's rude, too, but you won't merit much sympathy.)
  • Just letting doors slam into people's faces.
    Keith Brofsky via Getty Images
    It's not about standing there and waiting for someone 30 feet behind you. It's about the person who is literally right behind you.
  • Not obeying the "zipper rule."
    strickke via Getty Images
    It has nothing to do with your pants, but everything to do with situations involving merging cars (or exiting crowded areas). Imagine you're driving in slow traffic. On the right, cars are waiting to merge into your lane. The right thing to do? Let one car from the merging lane in front of you. The next car behind you does the same. This will keep traffic moving...and works the same when you're exiting crowded subways, movie theaters, etc.
  • Using public transportation poorly.
    Sandra Baker via Getty Images
    Hugging the pole, taking up spots, using the seat next to you as a cradle for your bag (when the place is packed) and, of course, everyone's favorite, sitting with your legs spread wide.
  • Answering the phone with a "What?"
    Jaco Wolmarans via Getty Images
    That is, if you're lucky enough to have someone pick up their phone when you call.
  • Ladies: Whatever you're doing in the bathroom to make public restrooms like a "Price Is Right" game from Hell.
    Stuart Gregory via Getty Images
    (There's probably an equally-bad situation in the men's room, but it's never mentioned with the frequency of ladies rooms.) If anything, just please, for the love of all that is holy, wipe down the seat.
  • Under-tipping.
    James French via Getty Images
    This is what I anticipate getting the most grief from, but come on. Waitstaff of all types have to put up with so much garbage for so little pay. No, it's "not your job" to come up where their paycheck is short. But does it really kill you to leave a fair tip?
  • Flossing your teeth or clipping your nails. In public.
    Floortje via Getty Images
    The only argument for bringing back the village stocks.
  • Specific, but: Treating bookstores like your own personal home library.
    It's one thing to leisurely enjoy reading book descriptions, it's another when you take a pile of magazines to the cafe with no intention of buying them. Or, lounge on the floor as if you're in your living room.
  • Taking Pictures Of Strangers & Mocking Them
    You might find it hilarious that there's someone in front of you wearing Zubaz pants in non-ironic way. But do you need to take a picture and post it to the entire world? Thelegalities of taking pictures of strangers in public is murky. The ethics, however, shouldn't be. Zubaz guy is just enjoying his Sunday. He's ridiculous, but does he deserve anonymous scorn? No. Do these happy museum-goers, who are enjoying getting their picture taken next to a Renoir, deserve your judgement? No.

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