Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Sure modern life is relatively easy when compared to the lifestyle our ancestors lived, but with convenience comes a whole lot of pressures. Truth be told, we all lead a very stressful life, and every day is no less than a battle that needs to be fought. From surviving your daily commute to dealing with shady landlords, here are four battles every Nigerian Man must survive.

1) The Battle of Surviving Your Daily Commute

If you live and work in Lagos, odds are you are out of bed by 4.30am in the morning, if you work on the island and stay on the mainland, then all we can say is that you must be a Superhero. It takes superhero strength and willpower to battle the fearsome Lagos traffic complete with broken down trailers, annoying public transport drivers and impatient drivers. If you take public transport to work then even Superman has nothing on you, we salute your courage. One bad morning, or rather one traumatic journey from home to work is all it takes for anyone to explode. But a man has got to do what he has got to do, i.e., get to the office on time. We can only advise that you either move closer to your office (easier said than done) or move your office closer to you (Are you kidding me?)
2) The Battle of Breaking Bread.

In all cultures, the traditional role of the Man is to fend for the family, clothe, feed and provide support for his family. In the current economic landscape in Nigeria performing this most basic duty of any Man is proving to be a huge challenge, we see young men of ages 28 and above still staying in their parents home’s, unable to get decent jobs and unable to provide for themselves. A combination of corruption, mediocrity, lack of strong institutions has seen men struggle to take their place in society. We believe that an eagle eye focus combined with genuine efforts to add value to an otherwise broken system will help set you apart from the herd, this will also bring in its wake rich rewards

3) The Battle of Finding A Good Wife and Building a Home.

We all know that feeling when the rent is due, no one wants to live a life in perpetual fear of the next due date, so unless you already own your house then building a house is a top priority for men, no thanks to Landlords from Hell, those ones you see in your dreams chasing you around until you pay your rent.
Turning, that house into a home is another thing entirely, you have to get it right with the woman you are spending the rest of your life with if not the remaining part of your earth life becomes a living hell, she can either make or break you. If you have already made the mistake of marrying the wrong woman then we sincerely wish you the very best. Finding a good wife today is rare, very rare, we really wish it wasn’t but it is. However, this battle must be fought and won at all cost, the woman will bring your children into this world, she will support and stand by you when you are at your weakest and lowest points in life, you had better gear up for this battle, it’s a must win.

4) The Battle of Living A Healthy and Fulfilled Life.
Black men running

Men pay zero attention to their health, unless of course there’s already fire on the mountain, then you see us running from post to pole. We guzzle ten bottles of Beer with isi-ewu or catfish by 10pm at night and then go to bed without doing a thing, next morning we complain about our bellies and then by night we are repeating the same thing again.
We believe that a truly successful man is one that can attain success in all aspects of his life including his health, we should be going for routine check ups every once in a while but ask our wives how far they have gone in getting us to a doctor, we dislike hospitals and clinics and doctors aren’t our best friends yet we shy away from healthy lifestyle choices, we hardly exercise, our exercise comprises of time spent walking to and fro our favourite bar, time spent in front of a PS4 playing Call of Duty, time spent socializing and networking and lastly time spent in front of the Tv. How many times has living healthy appeared on men’s New year resolutions only to fade away after a mere three days into the New Year, here’s wishing we pay more attention to this battle, our wives will love us more, we will stay longer to see our grand children and we will be able to live a more fulfilled life on Earth.

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