Saturday, May 17, 2014

How To Stay In Touch With Your Friends As You Age

Staying in touch with your boys when you’re young is easy. If you’re still in school, you see them every day; if you’re just out of school, then you probably live in a giant piece-of-sh*t, five-bedroom apartment with all of them. But, soon, sadly, things will change.
Some of your friends will get girlfriends and fall off the map. (Even more so when those girlfriends become wives.) Other friends will get busy, boring jobs and may move across the country. You’ll get a busy, boring job and move across the country. Then, all of the sudden, you’ll realize you haven’t spoken toso-and-so in months.
How did this occur?
It occurs because we think we’re too cool to simply send an email or text and say, “Hey, what’s up, man?” And you wouldn’t dare call a buddy on the phone to catch up because…
come on, it’s 2014. You’d barely consider calling the hottest girl on the planet even if it guaranteed a night of unending sex. Phone calls are for your parents, whose sex ended a long time ago.
So you’ll have to do other things to stay in touch with your boys. And, yes, it’s going to take a little work…

Make Plans That Aren’t Plans

Guys hate making plans, especially with a bunch of advance notice. Girls already have brunch dates set for 2016, but we don’t even know what we’re doing tonight. Use that to your advantage. If you feel like drinking tonight, text a friend you haven’t seen in forever and say, “I’m getting drunk in a hour. Meet me.” He will. Like you, he has nothing to do. (It helps to phrase this in the form of a command, not a question.)

Make The “Big” Game Less Big

Because that’s the great secret. Guys never have anything to do. Work, sure. Or anything the women in our lives tell us we have to attend. But, other than that, we’re all just sitting around waiting for something to happen. Watching sports to bide the time. You don’t have to only invite your buddies over for the Super Bowl, or the “big game.” Invite him over for the small games, too. You’re barely watching anyhow.

Actually Play A Big Game

Instead of lifting weight or jogging for your exercise, recall your days as a kid and text your old buddy to throw a ball around. Meet him at the park with a basketball and play some pickup. Or, bring your glove and have a catch. You haven’t done it in forever probably, and, I guarantee, it’s just as fun as you remember, although your back will hurt more the next day now.

Troll Their Social Media Accounts

Of course, even if we’re too cool to call our old friends — and too lazy to text them about making plans — there’s still one place we can’t help but keep in frequent touch. Every day we see our long-lost pals posting dumb stuff on Facebook. And dumb pics on Instagram.  So, instead of ignoring it like you always do…give your buddy sh*t. Nothing keeps male bonds stronger than goofing on each other. Which is just our way of showing we still care.

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